Friday, February 5, 2010

Held Captive (part 2)

I was in that dark box for what seemed like days. I’ve never been so scared in my life. I was badly bruised and in pain from literally being throw violently against the ceiling and the floor as Miranda ran to her car. In her stride I was hurled to the ceiling, and then I would crash back to the floor when her foot connected with the ground. I don’t remember how many times this happened. I think I lost consciousness about the third time I struck the ceiling. All I remember is waking up on the floor, in the dark. My face was crusted with blood, apparently from my nose being busted as I was tossed about. I remember feeling all over, trying to determine if I had any broken bones. I hurt so bad, I couldn’t even tell at the time. I was a mess, but the worst part was the fear; the fear of not knowing where I was or where she was taking me, and the fear of not knowing exactly what she was planning on doing with me.

I tried standing on the bed from time to time, to try and see what was going on through the air holes in the ceiling. I could see that I was in a car, and that Miranda was driving. She was singing along to some pop song on the radio. Occasionally she would look down at me, and I would quickly fall to the bed for fear that she would see me watching her.

By the time the car finally stopped, it was night. We had been driving all day. All I could think of is that I could be hundreds of miles from my home, from Irene, and from any hope of me being returned to normal. I was so close, and now that hope was being torn away from me. The reality that I had been kidnapped, and not only that I may not get restored to my original size, but that there was a big possibility that I wouldn’t even survive this, was beginning to settle in my mind. I think I started to lose it at that point. Then suddenly, the box shifted, and I was thrown to the floor. She had picked up the box, and we were moving.

I was determined this time to not get thrown about in my little prison as Miranda walked to where ever it was that she was taking me. I held onto the bed for dear life, but surprisingly, this trip was much smoother than the first time she had carried me. She was walking this time, and the box was swaying up and down, but not violently. It was like being on an amusement park ride. After a couple of seconds, I relaxed, and focused on trying to listen to any clues as to where we were. Miranda was quiet and I didn’t hear any other voices. Then suddenly we stopped, and I heard the sound of a key being slide into a lock, and door opening. A couple of seconds later, the box was sat down of some sort of hard surface. I just crouched on the floor, waiting, and trembling uncontrollably.

As I huddled in the corner of my box, the shafts of light coming from the air holes in the ceiling were suddenly snuffed out, and the lid began to slide off. I looked up, and made eye contact with my captor. I took a deep breath, and reassured myself that she had a motive for kidnapping me, it was probably money, and that she could be reasoned with. I was terribly wrong.

“Miranda, I don’t know why you did this, but whatever your reason, we can work…”

“You’re bloody! How did that happen?” Miranda said, cutting me off in mid-sentence.

Before I could answer, she reached in to the box and scooped me up in her hand. I groaned in pain. I was not used to being handled so ruffly. I remember begging her through my groans, “please, be careful,” as she rolled me about in her hand.

“Wow, you’re amazing. You’re so small, but you’re a grown man.”

“Yes, I am, and I have people who love me, and are going to be worried about me.” I said, trying to solicit some compassion.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“It’s a little late for that. I think I have broken…”

“I need to clean this blood off you.” She said, cutting me off again, and then proceeded to wisp me off to the bathroom.

As she carried me through the rustic looking room, to a an unfinished wooden staircase, I realized that the place she had taken me too was not a apartment or a house, but unmistakably a cabin. All I could think is, “my God, we’re probably in the middle of fucking nowhere. I’m dead for sure.” It was a grim thought, but this was turning out to be a very grim situation.

When we got to the top of the staircase, she opened the first door we came to. She held me cupped in her left hand and against her chest. I reluctantly grabbed onto her thumb and pulled myself up, to see what was going on. It was a rustic, but beautify  designed bathroom. There was a walk in shower, a large jacuzzi tub, and a very creepy stuffed raccoon on a shelf near the sink.

Miranda crouched down, and turned on the water to draw a bath. The water began gushing out, filling the tub, and I was struck with terror. Getting dropped in that would be like getting dropped in class 6 rapids. I would drown for sure. I looked up at Miranda as she was arranging some candles around the tub. I started pleading with her not to put me in the tub, but she couldn’t hear me for the water. Finally, when the water stopped, I resumed my pleas for mercy. She looked down at me and grinned.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to put you in there all by yourself. I need a bath too.”

She then raised up, laid her hand down on the vanity, and I stepped off and collapsed onto the smooth glass surface. Miranda then opened the medicine cabinet, and retrieved a small Bic lighter. She lit the candles that she had arranged around the rim of the bathtub like we were about to have some kind of romantic encounter. She then began to slowly remove her clothes. If it weren’t for the utter terror, helplessness, and physical pain, I would have probably found this very arousing. She was a very beautiful girl. Her body was very toned, and just slightly tanned. Her hair was auburn, like the sunset before an impending storm, and slightly more straight than curled. Her hair was long, but just enough to completely drape her shoulders. Her breasts were small, but well formed. She was outstanding to look at, but unfortunately for me, I was completely at her mercy.

“Ok, it’s ready. Now let’s get cleaned up.” She said, as she stepped towards me.

It was pointless to try and resist her. There was nothing I could do. She was thousands of times my strength. I knew it and she knew it. The only hope I had was to try and reason with her again. I had to make her understand just how fragile I was. It was the only chance I had at staying alive. So, I struggled back to my feet, and in the loudest voice I could muster, said:

“Wait! Please! I’ll do whatever you want me to do, just please, all I ask is that you be gentle with me! I think I’m hurt pretty bad!

Miranda paused for a second, and then crouched down close to me. I thought that I had finally gotten through to her.

“But I didn’t hurt you. You’re my friend. I know that they sent you to me, for me to take care of you.”

“They sent me to you? Who sent me to you? What are you taking about? I replied, sincerely puzzled.

“You know, the fairies.”

I looked deep into her big hazel eyes, to try and tell if she was serious, or if she was just messing with me. She stared back at me, in complete sincerity. That’s when I thought, “Oh my god. She’s a crazy person. I’ve been kidnapped by a fucking crazy person.”

Miranda smiled at me, and stood up to her full height right next to me. I lost my balance looking up at the towering naked figure in front of me, and stumbled backwards, landing on my bottom. Her enormous hand then reached out for me. I quickly got back on me feet, and climbed into her hand before she tried to pick me up. Once in her hand, she lifted me up, close to her face.

“I know the fairies shrunk you to punish you for something. I want you to tell me what you did. And don’t lie to me. I’ll know if you lie. Miranda said, nodding her head in absolute conviction.

I started to speak, but she quickly pointed the index finger of her other hand up close to me, as if to silence me. I instantly shut my mouth, and obeyed.

“Shh, not right now. You can confess your sins to me while we bathe together.”

Miranda then stepped into the bathtub, and slowly slid into the steamy warm water. She held me in her hand until she was almost fully submerged, and then she placed me on her chest, at the waters edge.

As Miranda began to relax in the warm water, she closed her eyes for a moment. I took the opportunity to look around. When I realized that there was no way for me to escape, I started to weigh my options. It was becoming obvious that Miranda was suffering from some kind of mental disorder and was delusional. My original plan of trying to reason with her wasn’t going to fly. I figured my best bet was to play along with her delusion, and hopefully sway it in my favor. There had to be a phone or a computer or something in this place that I could use to contact Irene. And even if there wasn’t, I knew my angel would be looking for me. She would go to the ends of the earth to find me, and all I had to do was hold out long enough for her to get to me. But that was going to be much harder that I had anticipated.

“So, little man: tell me your sins!”

To be continued.


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