Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello world!

Welcome to lacquerhead, home of Jazlyn and an intense love for all things nail and polishy. Disclaimer: This is not a serious blog. We come here to have fun and hear me yell about nail polish, funny things life throws at me and really heinous Disney productions. CLEAR? CLEAR. NOW BREAK!

What better way to kick off the blog than with GLITTER? Glitter is my friend, not food. (LET’S START A GAME. Anyone who identifies all of the hideous disney quotes in my posts gets one point. At the end of the month, whoever has the most points will be entered into a drawing and at the end of the year, I’LL GIVE SOMETHING AWAY. OHHHHHH SNAP.)

Please excuse the morphing watermarks. Some of these are with my old watermark, some with my new.

This beautiful, beautiful polish is called Emerald Sparkle, by China Glaze. This is three coats. It’s fine in two, but to really FEEEEEL the sparkle, you’ve gotta spring for three. Gorgeous. Smooth application, this one is a polish after my own heart.

Next up, the beautiful, the wonderful, the GLORRRRIOUS:

Let’s all pause to oooooooooooh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. (Does that count as a disney quote? WHO KNOWS. POINTS FOR EVERYONE. FOUR FOR YOU, ALICE COCO. YOU GO ALICE COCO.)

OPI Absolutely Alice. She’s sexy! Look at that sparkle! That GLAAAAM! This was probably three coats. Formula was standard for a glitter – by standard, I mean it got absolutely EVERYWHERE during clean up, but what do you do. I’ll put up with it for THIS loveliness. Came off very easily with the tinfoil method. (I’m thinking of doing a tinfoil method tutorial. God knows it took me long enough to realize it WORKED. I was a nonbeliever too! I was reluctant to look like a space murderer around my home! But really, it is worth it.)

Oh swwwwwweet jesus. WE’RE BREAKIN’ FREE NOW. (Okay, that one was reaching a little bit.)

WnW Black Creme (1.5 coats!!), 3 coats of Pure Ice Strapless on rings. This is the best blue glitter polish in the entire world. You can try to tell me different. You can try to remind me that when you remove it, you find blue glitter in your pants and on your dogs for days after. BUT I WON’T LISTEN. IT IS AMAZING. IT SPARKLES IN THE DARK!! (Side note: WnW Black Creme? Best 99¢ ever spent. It applies better than my RBLs. WHAT!) Application is standard, no gloopyness ala SH Rockstar Pink, goes where you want, cleans up fairly easily. I am in love. See my eyes? They are hearts.

I love when you layer polishes and their names together actually sound like a polish. Grunge Breakup. It’s like an emo high school band waiting to happen.

Look at the pretty opalescent glitterrrrrrrrr.

RBL Grunge (2 coats) topped with Hard Candy Break Up (1 coat) & ChG Matte Magic middle finger. MAN, I just went all-out balls crazy that day or something. It came out so prettttttyy though! Excuse the horrendous cuticles/cleanup that I know were in these pictures, despite not having looked at them in a while. It was finals week. Enough said.

Zoya ROOOOOXXXYYYYYYYY. Roxy is my love. I wear her a LOT. Three coats. What I have to say about Roxy though is… she’s kind of a brat. She’s start by applying SO, SO NICELY! But by the third coat, somehow, she’s turned gloopy and hateful and god, you just want to go to bed but WHY WON’T THIS POLISH JUST APPLY, GODDAMMIT!

… But it’s pretty?

Claire’s Chunky Purple. This one was kinda gloopy, I remember. Not TOTALLY gloopy, just vaguely gloopy, like I should think about adding some thinner in a few months gloopy. Three coats.

I remember looking at this mani throughout the day trying to figure out if I liked it or not. It wasn’t until I went to take it off that I realized that I did, IN FACT, like it.

Now, I told this story on MUA, but I’m gonna tell it again because every time I mention/see this polish, it makes me think of it. I wore this polish to my ASL class last Thursday – it was my first class, I honestly had no idea what to expect.

WELL. What I got was an INCREDIBLY flamboyantly gay deaf man as my teacher. This guy was gay with a capital Gay. He was wearing a New Moon t-shirt. He batted his eyelashes when he signed “pretty”. He’s pretty much my new favorite person in the whole world.

So, we start the lesson. The first sign we go over? Hurt.

You laughed. Don’t lie to me.


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