Monday, March 15, 2010

100 Zombies, 100 Days

In case you don’t follow me on Twitter (shame on you) here is some of the fun you have just missed.

Day #1 – I met this zombie chick at the graveyard. The conversation wasn’t much, but when we got to fooling around she was into the biting. It was a little rougher than I liked, but not completely bad.

Day #2 – me and this undead cutie pie picked each other’s brains while listening to 50s songs

Day #3 – I noticed she smelled a lil funky…but not the worst smelling vagina I’ve encountered

I hope on day #4 I get to do the horizontal monster mash.

i bet a zombie girl fakes her orgasms i mean shes got the moaning down to an artabout 1 hours ago via web

Day #5 – I wanted to take her to the shooting range, but she was paranoid. Something about the proximity of the shotgun and her head. So we went to the shopping mall during a power outage instead.about 1 hours ago via web

#7- we were really getting into it hot and heavy, and I started to pull her hair. I got a clump of it in my fist, killed the mood completleyabout 1 hours ago via web

Day #8: we picked up a six pack, but it was tough to pry any of them out of her cold, dead hands.about 1 hours ago via web

Day #9 – We met on Zdate, and it was awkward. Especially because I’m not a zombie, and her dad is very religious.41 minutes ago via web

Day #10, we met at a dive bar. She was with the gals, and the second I mentioned quantum physics, all eyes were on me.38 minutes ago via web

Day #11: It was going so-so and then he mentioned she was a fan of Nickelback, and suddenly a lot of things made sense.31 minutes ago via web

Day #12, encountered my ex after zombification. It was the most lively she’s seemed in years.29 minutes ago via web

Day #13 was tempted by a normal girl today…it was tough, but I went to the graveyard after a few scotch and sodas27 minutes ago via web

Day #14: She looked like a zombie zooey deschanel, I swear I could have married her, but I’m Catholic and the church won’t recognize it.22 minutes ago via web

Day #15, I asked if she wanted to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks. She got offended saying she was a zombie, not a sheep.16 minutes ago via web

Day #16. I went over to her apartment. When she looked out the window,I held a boombox over my head and played “Time of the Season” She swooned11 minutes ago via web

Day #17: It was 80s night at the bar, I did the Thriller dance, and we laughed and fooled around a little in the bathroom.6 minutes ago via web


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