Wednesday, September 30, 2009



Durante a Fashion Week de Milão, Luisa Beccaria apresentou suas peças impressionantes em uma coleção bem diferente que uniu o glamour 50’ de Hollywood com muita feminilidade e romantismo, além de trazer as toneladas de tule para criar um super volume.

O destaque ficou para as estampas floridas e a paleta de cores  marfim, lilás, rosa, cinza, azul, ouro e prata que cedeu seu charme para uma versão do carro C3 Picasso, assinado por Luisa, que conseguiu “vestir” o carro como ela veste mulheres.




C3 Piacasso Luisa Beccaria tem pintura floral, estofamento floral e câmbio com detalhe em vidro veneziano em forma de rosa!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nearly Nude Pearl Jewellery with Hollywood Glamour!

“Nearly nude;  Jewellery featuring pale tones of rose, peach and light pink is big news this season, so embrace the trend with the latest pieces from leading brands”.  Retail Jeweller

Forties’ Film Noir glamour is here! Try these big screen pearls for size! A bit more substantial than their smaller counterparts, these Freshwater Pearls really mean business! Seductively tactile, team with the necklace for the total look, add the lipstick and you’re ready for the red carpet!

As featured in Retail Jeweller this month!

Pearl is said to bring wisdom through experience, engagements and love relationships. It calms and centres, eliminating emotional imbalances.

It symbolises a pure heart and mind; purity and innocence. It is believed to quicken the law of karma and gives peace of mind and strength to the body and soul.

A moda na ponta dos dedos

Não me lembro quando comecei minha obsessão por esmaltes.  Só sei que achei fotos de viagens em que eu to fazendo as unhas, e me lembrei que quando eu casei, o primeiro presente que a minha mãe me deu pra levar pra minha casa nova foi uma mega caixa pra eu guardar minhas coisinhas de fazer unha.

bia e eu em 2004... juqueí com chuva!

Pra mim, manicure (e pedidure, claro) sempre significou limpeza! Aquele acabamento final que faz a diferença em qualquer look.

meus bebês guardadinhos

Pra minha felicidade, hoje em dia não há limites pra imaginação fashion da indústria de esmaltes. Os ultra coloridos deixaram de ser caphonas, e viram must have a cada troca de estação, os acabamentos estão cada vez mais doidos (brylha no escuro, esmalte fosco…) e dá vontade de ter tudo!

Neste inverno que acabou de acabar *cadê o sol?*, os hits foram os tons de cinza, azul marinho (que já vinha desde o ano passado), verdes escuros, pinks e tons de roxo / vinho / magenta mais queimados e apagados.

Agora as ondas que virão para o verão 2010:

  • Cores fluorescentes, tipo laranja cheguei, pink choque, verde limão, azul tchã, ficam melhor quando a gente vai usar roupas em tons mais neutros.

  • Para as mais tradicionais, os tons de nude também foram para as unhas. Eu adoro intercalar um tom mais tchã com um tom de nude. Assim as unhas não ficam manchadas e a brincadeira fica menos monótona.

  • E não acaba por aí! Por cima de tudo isso, espalhe bem um top coat matte, que tira todo e qualquer brilho do esmalte… aí sim você vai ficar com as unhas em 2010!

  • Tons de azul e verde, que vão do fluo ao pastel… São bem mais polêmicos, mas ganharam espaço entre as hypadas mudérninhas de Hollywood, o que disseminou a onda dessas cores.

os azuis maravilhosos da impala 2010!!!

  • As cores pastéis, que vão do amarelinho ao verdinho. Fica fofo, mas bem mudérrno. Não sei se as adeptas do nude conseguem ir neste…

os meigos

  • Agora se segura na cadeira: o último grito é usar uma unha de cada cor (!!!!), pode ser montando um degradé na cor que você preferir, ou escolher uma intensidade (ou tudo fluo, ou pastel) e pintar uma de cada cor meshhhmo! Devo confessar que to doida pra experimentar, mas quero que a notícia fique um pouco mais evidente antes, porque senão vai parecer que eu saí da loja de esmaltes e ninguém vai entender nada!!!  Só cuidado! Se você for fazer isso, por exemplo, nas mãos, não faça nos pés, ou vice e versa!

só nas it-girls... por enquanto

Se divertir pintando as unhas é bom porque é mais barato do que gastar com roupas, é uma coisa que você pode mudar a hora que quiser (desde que tenha um tempinho pra fazê-lo), e é pra quem não gosta muito de ousar em roupas, mas tem vontade fashion!

Essa ousadia toda só não vale em ambientes mais sóbrios, num escritório de advocacia, por exemplo. Mas, saiu disso, é festa!

Se você é autodidata como eu, uma coleção de esmaltes acaba virando necessidade.

No final, o saldo é sempre positivo, porque unhas feitas dão o ar de arrumação que toda mulher quer ter.

A febre por esmaltes-sensação mundo afora é tão grande que existem blogs que só falam disso, tanto os brazucas como os gringos:

A Vogue de agosto mostrou uma reportagem que fala do grito que o mundo deu ao ver – e querer – a invenção de Karl Lagerfeld fez para a coleção de inverno 2009 da Chanel: o verde Jade. Pra se ter uma idéia de onde vai a coisa, o esmalte já tem fila de espera nas lojas de Paris e NY antes de ser lançado, e como é de produção limitada, já nasce item de colecionador.

e aí? tem coragem de usar? a rachel bilson já saiu com o seu... e de colar combinando!

Aqui no Brasil, as marcas mais conhecidas (Impala, Risque, Colorama), pegam carona na onda fashion e sempre lançam as cores que desejamos, mesmo que com um certo atraso.

as cores da Impala 2010!!! quero todas!

Eu sei de muita gente que adora fazer misturinhas pra chegar em cores que ainda não estão no mercado brasileiro. Sou total a favor!!! É uma delícia ficar misturando esmaltes pra chegar em novos tons! Faço muitão! Mas tem que ter um pouco de paciência e jeito pra fazer coisas mais delicadas, já que tem que misturar fora do vidrinho, mexer bem, limpar o vidrinho onde você vai colocar a nova cor…

minhas misturinhas mais recentes: azul=sereia, impala e verdinho=jade, chanel

Gente, agora é com vocês! Mandem fotos dos esmaltes prediletos pra gente colocar aqui! Vou começar o “esmalte da semana” e quero todo mundo participando, ok??? Pra começar vou colocar minha mais nova misturinha, já com a cara (ou os dedos.. errrr) no verão!

Se joga!!!

Esmalte da Semana:

meu blend de azul! amei!!

já tá um pouco descascado pq eu fiz no sábado… sorry

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bermudas para verão 2010

As bermudas para essa estação variam tanto nos tecidos, como

nas cores e modelos.

Basta escolher o look certo para harmonizar  tudo com seu perfil.


A coleção Verão 2010 da Cori, é uma tradução elegante das mixagens étnicas que tomaram conta das tendências de moda. Da relação entre o Ocidente e o Oriente nascem peças de alfaiataria com ombros arredondados, exibindo leves volumes contrapostos a formas mais ajustadas. As matérias-primas exibem pesos e texturas diversas, caso das gazes e musselines com inox, do cetins lavados e do algodão resinado. A cartela de cores é formada por tons de bege, marrom e nude com pitadas de goiaba, verde acinzentado, limão e marinho. Prints de paisagens urbanas e desérticas avisam por onde a mulher pretende circular nesta temporada.

Nada como poder se sentir elegante.

Basta estudar o seu PERFIL….. enão tenha medo de errar.

Tire suas dúvidas deixando a sua pergunta.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Angelina Jolie Titties

See more pictures of celebrity Angelina Jolie in the gallery below…

Brad Pitt has some unauthorized full frontal nude photos floating around the Internet from a few years back and it is reported that he will appear nude in his upcoming movie.

The Newsnworld.wordpress has uncovered a series of celebrity Angelina Jolie has done full frontal nude shots in movies as well, (who could forget the lesbian scene in Gia) so neither of the stars is shy about revealing their collective and fabulous bods.

Angie and Brad Naked Cover Shot?

So – is there an celebrity Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt nude scene in the works?

Well – sort of- at least if you believe the American tabloid “In Touch” then the answer is – yes.

The magazine dishes this item in this week’s issue.

Citing a “magazine insider, “In Touch” reports, “The pair plans to pose nude and is talking to several monthlies, one insider says.

“Brad sees himself as an artist. So he’s working on a concept that has (Angie and Brad) shot completely naked.

Check back often for new celebrity Angelina Jolie Titties Pics. Tell your friends about our new celebrity Cameron Diaz porn page so we can grow larger.




Click on Images to Enlarge


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Friday, September 25, 2009

Las tremendas piernas de Hillary Duff

“¡Ja,ja… me encanta ver como a los hombres se les cae la baba!”

¡Caray, la chiquita Duff cada vez se pone mas deseable, y no duda en mostrarlo. Ese par de piernas que posee son lo mas proximo al nirvana que podemos vislumbrar. Y lo mejor es que la niña no se ha hechado a perder (todavia) como muchas cantantes de pop lo han hecho.

Cara de un tiranetas al pensar en Hillary Duff 

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Nude Truth

Den nakna sanningen av vårt handlande , visas i filmen “Age of Stupied” som hade premiär i Göteborg , Stockholm , Malmö mfl. I förgår. Själv var jag och såg filmen i Skärhamn ett litet samhälle på Tjörn i Västra Götaland. Filmen utspelar sig i ett världsarkiv , som skapats för att visa det som engång fanns på jorden innan vi förstörde den. Frågan som återkommer genom hela filmen är hur vi kunde låta det ske? och varför vi inte gjorde något när vi hade chansen? . Filmen utspelar sig år 2065 och hela jorden är förstörd till följ av globaluppvärmning.

Det är en ganska mörk film , men jag tror nog den kan ge en tanke väckare och jag hoppas många tar chansen att se den. Jag delade själv ut förslag på lösningar från Greenpeace efter filmen , för att ge folk något hopp efter en sådan mörk film. Jag tror kontentan måste blir att tiden för handling är nu! vi inte råd att vänta längre!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No Underdress Discovery Excitement aka NUDE

Ah, that title makes no sense.

First of all, because Okada san takes a ton of pictures and me, well, not so many, my blog posts might be kinda nude. ahaha. Just had to throw that in there. No, really. I’m not sure when I will be getting digital copies of all those pictures (which are totally rad, I’m sure) so you’ll have to live with my crappy photos.

I find myself in a dilemma. I want to write a totally cool story about my weekend, yet I have no totally cool pictures to compliment my awesome writing. On the other hand, if I don’t write anything, people will get angry and start throwing virtual rocks at my site. Thus, causing damage and sadness. What should I do? hmmmmm…

I’m not going to write anything…

Gotcha, I will!

On the weekend, I took part in the 22nd Hokkaido Two-Day March at Toya Lake. It involved me to walk 40km on Saturday around the lake and 10km on Sunday to walk around the island in the middle of lake.

That gives you a nice view of where I was. I didn’t take the picture. I stole it from Wikipedia. Byaah!

Anyways, I woke up at 3am on Saturday, jumped into a van, drove for two hours and arrived in Toyako (the town) around 6am or something. I can’t remember. Actually, yes it was around 6am because the walk started at 7am for those who were to participate in the 40km walk.

I was pumped. The area looked beautiful and I was going to take totally cool pictures. Sadly, I never finished the walk. Nor did Okada san, Kota, or Ken san. We had only managed to get 4km into the walk when it poured. I’m not talking about a little pour, but boy, this was crazy. Did I have an umbrella or a rain jacket? Heck no! I ran to closet tree and hugged that thing like there was no tomorrow. Needless to say I was soaked. Good thing Okada san had an extra plastic bag for which I had placed my backpack in. My stuff would have been destroyed if it weren’t for that plastic bag. After about 20 minutes, a van drove by that thankfully picked the 4 of us up and drove us back to town. We went directly to the hotel, hung our clothes to dry, ate, and slept. We woke up in the afternoon sometime to “finish” the race.

Obviously, we weren’t going to start where we left off. That would be dumb. We started about 300m away from the finish line. This way, we could reap the rewards of finishing the race without, well, you know, finishing the race legitimately. It was a great plan conceived by Okada san. That evening, we attended a party only for those who “completed” the 40km walk. It had awards, food, entertainment, and drunk people. It had the works. This all happened in the 90 minutes I was there. We left early because the crowd was quite older than me and old lady hula dancers just isn’t my thing. I shouldn’t have eaten that much at the party because when we got back to the hotel, we had more food. It was a huge supper and I fought my way through it to eat everything that was given to me. By the way, this scenario has happened many times before. Every time I make food and finish eating, Kota comes over telling me to come to his house to eat. I can’t say no, so off I go to eat more. BURP!

Sunday comes around and we are off to the island in the middle of the lake. This time we finish. Yay! It felt good to actually finish one of the routes. It also felt good to have a checkpoint stamp on my route map. I was missing the checkpoint stamp for the 40km walk, of course.

The drive back home took much longer than the drive to Toyako. Speed limits tend to be less than Canada, and because we were in the mountains, there was only one lane of traffic each way. Combined with the other factors of being a long weekend (Silver Week), leaving in the early evening, and traffic lights, it took almost 4 hours to get home.

You might not care about anything that I have written so far.


I’m getting to that. Give me a break.

When we finally arrived at home it was time to hit the local bath house. Kota, Ken san, and I went. I had been to a few onsen’s already, but not a bath house. hmmmmm… how would this differ. At a bath house, you need to bring your own shampoo and soap. Some guys bring stuff to shave their face or what have you, but all I bought were the essentials. At an onsen, soap and shampoo are provided. w00t! This bath house was gender segregated, so phew, no worries there. But I have heard of some being combined. That would be awkward.

A procedure exists in a bath house/onsen which needs to be followed. It is essential that you shower first. And by a shower, I mean a real shower. Not a rinse shower. This is where the soap and shampoo come in. Use those and be sure to be as clean as possible. After you’re done, then you can go to the various areas located around you. Typically you will find a hot tub/hot sping, rinse showers, outdoor hot tub, sauna, cold pool (maybe), and a shock pool (I’m not sure of the name, but essentially it makes your body feel like electricity is being sent through it. It feels really weird and almost on the verge of pain. Very hard to describe).

While were getting out of the shock pool and planning to head for the regular hot bathtub, a lady just walked by me in all of my glory. I instantly looked around at all the other dudes, and no one paid any attention to her. I figured this was normal but of course I was a little shocked that females would attend to the male quarters. She was in and out of the area of few times and I just had to chuckle to myself. I just imagine this happening at home and the outrage it would spur, but here, nothing. I guess it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just very different from Canada and not expected on my part. I probably let you down and my NUDE news, but this was it. I guess this can just be a bit of information for any guys planning to come to Japan and use a bath house. At first I thought it was weird. But once you go a of couple of times, well, you starting forgetting about, uh, certain things and instead enjoy the comfort of the warm water and an unlimited amount of time in a shower.

Well, that’s pretty much all I have to report for now. This post is quite long and I’m sorry about that. I know I probably wasted much of your time but thanks for reading and tuning in. I really appreciate it for those that check the site once and awhile.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Famous Photographers in Los Angeles Most Top Famous Los Angeles, O!

I’m Nigel Tomm and this is my new photo art installation (Most Famous Photography by Most Popular, Interesting & Influential Portraits of Sexy Amateur Nude as People or Photographers in One Person Series). Title:

Famous Photographers in Los Angeles Most Top Famous Los Angeles, O! (2009)



Nobody does photography like Nigel Tomm.

Georgia O'Keeffe: raw sensuality

Coming out of the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit at the Whitney Museum, I left blinded by the beauty of her paintings and lost in reverie by the intensity of her relationship with her husband, Alfred Stieglitz. Through the nude portraits he made of her and the letters she wrote him, I discovered a woman in love, sharing her intimate and naked soul. She could not do otherwise.

New York, 13 June 1918

You will be here in a few minutes I guess but I have to get up and write you  - its necessary – I  must -
I’ve been lying here listening for you in the dark – my face feels so hot
Aching for you way down to my fingers end – an actual physical ache-

As I came up up the streets into the sunset after supper – I wondered – can stand it – the terrible fineness and beauty of the intensity of you – I do not know – may yet have to run away – it seems almost too much -
The hot sultry sun so brilliant – shining white I could hardly walk toward it -

And lying here – wanting you with such an all ache – not just wanting – loving – feeling – al the parts of my body touched and kissed – conscious of you
A volcano is nothing to it
No words I know say the hotness – consumingness of it
Still I some way feel I can be quiet when you come can control myself
Feeling it growing though – I seem to feel that the moment will come when I cant control myself – when Ill be blind and mad
I have to tell you – I know you know – and still maybe you dont know how really mad I seem to be growing
you will have to think for me when I cannot think for myself
Why do you know – the trust I have in you is the finest thing Ive ever known
No absolute

The woman you are making seens to have gone far beyond me – Almost out of sight

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cheryl Cole on Going Nude

Sorry to be the barrier of bad news for all you fellas, but Girls Aloud hottie Cheryl Cole will “never” go nude for a photo shoot and slams other stars that do.

She said: “There’s nothing tasteful about some fruit covering your bits! Sometimes a beautiful dress is much more sexy than underwear. Have some class.”

Cole, who was voted top 10 in the FHM 100 Sexiest 2009 list, also admits that she isn’t anti plastic surgery but would rather not go under the knife just yet.

She added, “I’ve got nothing against it. If someone hasn’t got boobs and having them done is going to make them a happier, more confident person, then go for it.

“I wouldn’t deny it if I had plastic surgery. I wouldn’t just come out with bog boobs and say, ‘No, I haven’t had an operation!’ I think imperfections are sexy anyway, I honestly do. If everyone looked perfect with a perfect face and perfect boobs, it wouldn’t be sexy as it’s not real life.”

Whatever Cheryl is doing seems to be working. That girl is so gorgeous, she’s as close to perfect as it’s going to get!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sasha Grey, por Terry Richardson

Estas fotos no sé de cuando son, ni para qué publicación fueron tomadas (bueno sí, Penthouse), y el caso es que no me importa lo más mínimo. Lo que sí importa es que fueron tomadas por Terry Richardson. Sasha Grey es una de las pocas canijas mundiales que me ponen. Y seguro que me pone tanto por esa cara de tomar apuntes en  clase de historia,  y a la vez estar  pensando en dos pollas dando vueltas en su boca.

LINCOLN SAYS UNCOOL pre-ripped clothes

Tad’s school recently invited me to come in and give a speech to the student body about the values of honesty. Mary Todd, who had just finished watching a segment of Dr. Phil about how married couples should try spending absolutely all of their time together, read this personal invitation over my shoulder, as she often does, and insisted that she come along as well. Even though she isn’t known as Honest Mary Todd and if I could be quite honest Abe about it, probably wasn’t going to add much to the presentation, I allowed her to accompany me to Tad’s school.

She then rolled around on the floor and sang “Rocket Man” in a continuous loop for forty-five minutes because, if I could be honest Abe about it again, Mary Todd is crazy.

Perhaps this is what she was envisioning?

Because we were going to be giving a presentation to a group of Tad’s classmates, Mary Todd felt she needed to appear as cool as possible in order to impress our son. After much internal deliberation, she decided that wearing pre-ripped clothes would be the coolest thing she could do.

Mary Todd- “Pre-ripped clothes are what all the kids are into now, right?”

Myself-  “No. Don’t do it.”

Mary Todd- “Oh you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Then Mary Todd jumped through the window yelling “No whammies!” and landed in the deep end of our neighbor’s swimming pool. I would have been worried, but this is pretty routine for her.

Also pretty routine for Mary Todd

We arrived at Tad’s school a few weeks later so that I could give my presentation on honesty. I wore my “casual but formal” attire (button up with the sleeves rolled up, black pants, and a tie without the top button buttoned) and Mary Todd, not having changed her mind, wore jeans and a tank top that were both severely previously ripped.

The way the stage was set up, I gave my speech standing near the front while Mary Todd worked the slide projector (Powerpoint wasn’t invented until the Spring of 2006. Computers weren’t even invented until the Fall of 2006!) standing behind me. As I get deeply emotionally invested into my speeches, and this speech to a congregation of my son’s school mates was no exception, I knew there would be no way for me to keep an eye on Mary Todd during the presentation. Although this worried me as she has a history with these sorts of things,* I realized there would be no other option at this point and therefore began the presentation.

The speech seemed to go pretty well. I believe I hammered the points to metaphorical home that I wished to be hammered to metaphorical home. Such as a list of de-untruthed, untrue facts that people have not been honest in perpetrating about me. Such as;

-I was not born in a log cabin. This was a lie created by the government to help the Canadians sell more maple syrup. The reasons for this are unknown, but I have my theory.**

-I am not freakishly tall. I am more of an above-average, or, attractive height.

-My beard wasn’t really that long.

When I had finally uttered the last words of my carefully crafted speech, I became aware of my surroundings and looked across the audience. Instead of the captivation or at least the mild interest I was hoping for, it appeared that most of the audience was either rolling in fits of laughter or holding a look of utter shock and disgust. Although, looking back I truly wish that this response was directed towards me, the general direction of the group’s attention seemed to be behind me, focused on Mary Todd.

The pre-ripped clothes that Mary Todd had come in were almost completely gone, with only a few threads still clinging to her body. The already and purposely un-seamed threads had unraveled throughout the show all by themselves, and now Mary Todd stood practically in the nude under glaring lights in front of an audience of our son’s classmates.

And so, knowing that we had greatly embarrassed our son, we shamefully walked off the stage while burying our heads (in shame!) and drove home in silence.

Later that night, I asked Mary Todd why she hadn’t just left the stage when she felt the clothes unraveling.

Mary Todd- “I wanted to be cool like Janice Jackson.”

Myself- “Janet Jackson. And that incident was a long time ago.”

Mary Todd- “Oh.”

And then we fell asleep.

For unraveling off of my wife’s body while she was spotlighted on a stage in front of my son’s classmates…

Apparently the FCC is reopening this case of exposed human anatomy, even though it was five years ago and hardly a deal at the time. Why don't they pursue the most worst television crime of television that is The Jay Leno Show, instead?

pre-ripped clothes are so uncool.


Mary Todd gave me a fiery surprise during my Oscar acceptance speech for the newly created category of "Most Enthused About Top Hats"

**Gerald Ford, the President who started this lie, was really a cat and was promised a large sum of money by Canada to create this myth about me. I suppose the theory that Gerald Ford was a cat is not grounded in anything and does not relate to why Canada would offer him a large sum of money, as a human would be more likely to be tempted by this offer, but, quoting Thomas Jefferson, “I would never tell a lie involving a Cat President.”

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lovers to be caned for steamy session in car

Lovers to be caned for steamy session in car.

An Islamic court has ordered an unmarried couple to be caned for trying to have sex in a car in the latest of a series of harsh punishments for Muslims in Malaysia (马来西亚), a lawyer said Friday.

Though Malaysia has long been upheld as an example of a moderate Muslim-majority country, recent verdicts sentencing Muslims to whipping for drinking alcohol have made headlines. Two months ago, an Islamic judge triggered a national debate when he ordered a woman to be caned for drinking beer.

In the latest case, the Shariah High Court in central Selangor state sentenced the couple Wednesday to six strokes of the cane after they pleaded guilty to trying to have sex out of wedlock in their car, said prosecutor Shafezan Rusli.

Shafezan said Islamic religious police caught Mohamad Shahrin Abdul Majid, 29, and Nadiah Najat Hussin, 24, with only their undergarments on in a car at an office parking lot in May.

Appeal looms

He said they are appealing the caning as they plan to get married soon, though they have paid the court-ordered fine of 5,000 ringgit ($1,400) each.

They could have been jailed for up to three years for the offense, the lawyer said.

Shariah laws apply to Muslims, who make up about 60 percent of the 28 million population, in all personal matters. Non-Muslims — Chinese, Indians and other minorities — are not subject to the laws.

Earlier this week, an Islamic court in another state ordered an Indonesian Muslim man to be whipped six times and jailed a year for drinking liquor at a restaurant.

In July, the same court had sentenced a Malaysian woman to six strokes of the cane and a fine for drinking beer in public. The caning, which would be the first time a Malaysian woman has received the punishment, has not been carried out yet. Many see the sentence as a setback for the country’s reputation as a moderate Muslim nation.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Photoshop serial number naked free download anal.

Después de darle muchas vueltas al tema de las etiquetas en los posts he decidido hacer un experimento 100% medible para saber qué tanto tráfico pueden generar éstas en un sitio.

Para empezar voy a taggear este texto con todas las etiquetas que a mi parecer son de las más buscadas en la web. Si, Megan Fox naked, la muerte de Mickael Jackson y 2 girls one cup están en la lista. Pero esto puede llegar a ser un trabajo interminable, así que los invito a que en los comments pongan todas las etiquetas que se les ocurran. Todo lo que sea comentado setá etiquetado indiscriminadamente (voy a tratar de no juzgar a nadie por sus comentarios, ja). A lo largo de toda esta semana iré revisando las estadísiticas de cómo es que la gente llega a este sitio y así veremos si realmente tiene o no que ver con las etiquetas en vez del contenido.

Para que este experimento no termine sólo en una estadística, con todas las categorías obtenidas y los resultados arrojados, haré un ejercicio de diseño tipográfico con el análisis de los datos. Algo así como una nube de categorías como la que pueden ver en el sidebar del blog pero con un poquito más de dirección de arte. Esto será posteado la próxima semana junto con los resultados estadísticos.

Bienvenidos los comentarios pa que este experimento cobre vida y a darle!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SEXY STYLE: Model Nancy with new Fashion Photo at MyFashionShow

MyFashionShow proudly presents

Model Nancy

Nancy is a fashion model from Oldendorf, Germany, specializing in portrait, fashion, glamour, sports, swimwear, hair/make-up, parts modeling, art, lingerie, fine art nude, nude, pin-up, body painting and retro/vintage.

Über Model Nancy

Nancy ist ein sehr sportliches Model und aktive Fußballerin. Sie ist deutschlandweit für Indoor und Outdoor buchbar und hat in 2008 über 30 Shootings absolviert.

Name: Nancy

Wohnort: Oldendorf

Körpergröße: 160 cm

Maße: 80-67-80

Einsatzbereiche: Glamour, Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Werbung, Beachwear, Girl/Girl- und Boy/Girl-Shootings, Modelsharing

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sensual Nature Story Challenge #1: Pearls

Below are three incomplete stories involving pearls.  Please finish one or all three and share with me.  I dare you.

#1:  Red and Blue

She wore red pearls around her neck and blue ribbons laced through her red hair.   Her skin was alabaster brushed here and there with rose blush — her lips, nipples and the petals between her thighs.  At each rose place I wanted to place a kiss.  First her lips which melted open beneath mine.  Then her nipples, each flattened beneath my tongue.  When I reached the petals between her thighs, I paused to watch them swell and grow moist.  Only then did I …

#2:  White

He knew what he wanted the moment she stepped through the door wearing his white Oxford undone and nothing else but a string of white pearls.  He stood up, dwarfing her.  She lowered her head obediently but not before he saw her knowing smile.

#3: Appetites

Since it was his birthday, she decided to oblige him his fantasy of bringing food into the bedroom.  As she walked through the market, she tried to imagine what he might buy.  Honey seemed so cliche.  Whipped cream as well.  She paused in front of a vendor.  Now those had potential.

My Daughter’s Best Friend

By the time our daughter had graduated from high school and left for college. Long before our thirtieth wedding anniversary my wife and I had both grown increasingly apart and pretty much lost that lovin feeling for each other. Yet even though the flame in our hearts had gone out neither my wife nor I wanted to go through the hellish ordeal of an acrimonious divorce. Nor did my wife and I  want to break our family apart much less force our children to choose one parent over the other.

Our solution (simple and elegant like our life together had always been) was to present the united front of a happy couple to the world, our extended family and our children. Even as my wife and I sought sexual satisfaction within the arms of other lovers outside our marriage. Our mutually agreed upon open marriage resulting in our living together more like roommates. Than an old married couple as we stopped sleeping with each other and moved into our own bedrooms.

Having already decided to deal with our situation on a personal level it was just a simple matter of putting up the family home for rent. Leaving my wife and I free to move into a two bedroom condo  which along with the livingroom and kitchen had been designed on one level. The advantage being that each bedroom had its own master bathroom which added another whole level of privacy whenever we were entertaining our lovers.

Living like roommates who just happened to be best friends my wife and I finely had enough time to pursue our own separate interests and hobbies. Instead of being obligated to spend each and every last minute of our ever shortening life spans with each other while boring each other nearly to death. My wife could spend her time gossiping with her girlfriends and playing with her vibrator in her bedroom. While I was at long last free to allow my hyperactive and over sexed imagination to roam wherever it was wont to go throughout the galaxy. While my fingertips tapped out the poems and stories pouring out of the black hole that is my soul that I so loved to write upon my laptop computers oh so co-operative keyboard.

From the time I first began chasing two legged dear when I was in high school and throughout my three decades long marriage. I’d always been sexually drawn to slightly older women and two legged dear closer to my own age. Though up until now I’d never cheated on my wife nor had I ever considered any two legged dear who was the same age as my daughter as a viable sexual partner. That is until now when on one of my daughters visits home from college. Quite unexpectedly I found myself eagerly responding to the causal flirtations of my daughters incredibly sexy best friend.

Of course I was flattered that the nineteen year old sky blue eyed, blonde haired and curvaceous college coed was interested in sleeping with an old man like myself. But at first I wasn’t too certain how my daughter would react to my bedding her best friend if I started humping her between the clean and fresh sheets of my alter of lust. Yet I needn’t have worried because after a long talk with her mother my daughter pulled me aside. In order to assure me that even though she didn’t agree with our lifestyle and was still furious with her mother for entertaining other men in her bed. That it wouldn’t bother her in the least if I began sleeping with her best friend. Then my daughter strongly hinted that she knew lots of pretty girls who liked to bed men much older then themselves.

Which is how I soon found myself spending an evening at home alone with my daughter’s lovely and curvaceous best friend. Where we sat side by side on the livingroom couch watching a movie while drinking fruit flavored wine coolers. Utterly sure of both herself and what she wanted as well as certain of her ability to get it from whomever it was that she wanted it from. It wasn’t long before my daughter’s blonde haired, sky blue eyed and curvaceous best friend. Suggestively snuggled up next to me on the couch where she laid her head upon the curve of my left shoulder.

Looking downward past the neckline of my daughter’s curvaceous best friends low cut black and white striped pullover dress. I could clearly see the luscious curves of her cleavage nestled within the cups of her Victoria Secrets bra. The sight of which couldn’t help but make the lance of my already hardening manhood begin to throb. With the almost over powering and socially forbidden desire to taste the honeycomb of my daughter’s best friends wetness with the tip of my tongue.

So that by the time the movie was over I’d placed the palm of my left hand on top of the luscious curve my daughter’s best friends silky smooth and clean shaven right thigh. Where my fingers had slowly slid inward as they crept upwards along the curves of her well toned inner thighs. Of course the blonde haired and sky blue eyed college coed cooperated by sliding her legs and thighs slightly apart and just enough. So that I was able to gently rub the slit of her womanhood through the cottony fabric of her panties for the last forty-five minutes or so of the movie. With the tips of my fingers whose gentle caress caused my daughter’s best friend to become increasing wetter between her legs the longer I rubbed. So that by the end of the movie the intimate garment of the nineteen year old college coed had become soaking wet with the intensity of her sexual arousal.

After turning off the high definition wide screen televison with the remote control. I  gathered up my daughter’s nineteen year old and curvaceous best friend within the curves of my arms. Then carried the sexy two legged dear into the lair of my bedroom where after pulling off our clothes which  both of us carelessly dropped onto the floor. My daughter’s best friend and I slipped into each others arms between the clean and fresh sheets of the altar of lust that is my full size bed.

For quite some time we lay there beneath the sheets of my bed making out. Our tongues chasing each other in and out of our mouths like children chasing each other on a school playground. While our fingertips eagerly explored and caressed the gentle curves of the forbidden places of her well endowed body and my well hung manhood. Taking the time to both get to know each other intimately while throughly enjoying each others body without getting in a rush to copulate and consummate our socially forbidden sexual relationship.

Reaching down between the clean shaven and silky smooth thighs of my nineteen year old blonde haired and forbidden lover.  I gently inserted two of my fingers deep inside the honeycomb of the hot and wet pussy of my daughter’s best friend. Who responded with a moan that soon turned into a cry of ecstasy as both of my fingers began to wiggle like a couple of worms in an overripe apple.

Nor did my daughter’s best friend and college roommate resist when at last I rolled her over onto her back and slipped between her thighs. Pressing the tip of my little head against the protective lips of her labia even as she wrapped both her arms and legs tightly around my neck and waist. Once I was in the proper position all it took was one single thrust of my powerful hips. To push the entire length of my rock hard and oh so throbbing cock inside the welcoming warmth of the velvety sheath of the college coed’s love canal.

Again and again and then a whole lot more the twin ovals of my ass rose and fell beneath the sheets of my full size altar of lust. As I made absolutely certain to take full advantage of reaming out the honeycomb of my daughter’s best friend and college roommate’s wetness. Who alternated between throwing back her head as she cried out in ecstasy and showering my face and neck with wet passionate kisses. While she lay there on her back beneath the clean and fresh sheets giving this doddering old fool. The ride of his golden years while I did my level best to bang the ever living daylights out of my eighteen year old daughter’s curvaceous college roommate. Making her cum again and then some more while both my wife and daughter were out painting the town in which we’d lived for many years.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Absolute Cinematic Garbage

Mother of Tears (2007)

One of the film's highlights, some poor woman being strangled with her own intestines.

Mother of Tears or La Terza Madre is an Italian horror film directed by Dario Argento (Tenebrae, Suspiria). It is the last film of a loosely connected trilogy created by Argento. The first film is Suspiria and the second is Inferno. Argento’s influence on horror and slasher films is undeniable and it is hard for me to criticize him openly, but this was a shameless and shallow effort to say the least. Suspiria is arguably a masterpiece of the horror genre for its visual style, soundtrack, and unnerving suspense. Here though, Argento abandons those strengths in favor of gratuitous nudity and often completely ridiculous, albeit at times shocking, murder sequences. There are endless complaints about this film but most of them are quite superficial and apparent only moments in. Examples include; misplaced accents, unconvincing and often wooden acting, unlikely dialogue, and a plot that is not even worth engaging.

The villianesses in Mother of Tears stalk their prey with one tit out at all times.

Sarah is played by Asia Argento (Dario’s daughter). She is an American studying in Rome. She helps uncover a relic that unleashes the Mother of Tears and all of her evil powers unto the world. Worshippers across the city begin lashing out in order to honor her return and all out chaos starts.

Blood, fire, naked girls; what else could you ask for from a shitty horror movie.

The only thing that creeped me out about this movie was the fact that Dario Argento’s film contains a gratuitous shower scene starring his own daughter. This is something he has done before and it just gives me the creeps. At least more so than a women being choked with her own intestines which is really just so ridiculous it becomes funny, but then again maybe that’s your thing. I regretfully but confidently refuse to recommend this movie to anyone, even the hardcore fans.

My rating is 1/2 out of 5 stars.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

P. Diddy's Official Girl Goes Wild

R&B singer Cassie has CONFIRMED that the photos circulating the web earlier today WERE in fact her. Here’s her official statement:

The recent personal pictures that have been leaked on the internet of me were hacked and stolen out of my computer. These photos were obviously never intended for the world to see and it’s sad that people would really take time to steal and post them, it’s just evil.

At the end of the day breasts are breasts, mine weren’t the first you’ve seen and they won’t be the last… people need to grow up, let’s move on.

Thank you. Cassie.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Has Eva Mendes LOST Her Curves? (PHOTOS)

Eva Mendes burst onto the scene in 2001’s “Training Day,” has been a staple on Maxim’s Hot 100 list since 2002 (#7 in 2007 & 2008) and earns a nice side income rolling around in sheets for Calvin Klein.

But somewhere along the way the actress may have lost her famous curves.

• • • • • • • • • • Arriving Friday September 4 at the premiere of ‘Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans’ at the Venice Film Festival SOURCE


Elementos da natureza na coleção Nakisska Verão 2010

A marca Nakisska foi buscar nos quatro elementos da natureza: terra, fogo, água e ar, a inspiração para sua coleção primavera-verão 2010. Recebemos material de divulgação da marca, que terá sua nova franqueada do Nordeste aqui em Salvador, inaugurada no próximo dia 11 de setembro, no Salvador Shopping.

Meninas, é de tirar o fôlego, ainda mais para mim, que adoro vestidos!

O design da marca catarinense segue a linha de criação inspirada basicamente nas décadas de 50, 80 e 90. As formas e silhuetas acompanham as tendências internacionais. Cada elemento da natureza refere-se a subtemas ilustrados por estampas exclusivas que formam uma variação que vai do étnico ao floral.

Com foco na mulher moderna, a Nakisska atrai pelas estampas leves e modelos irregulares que dão volume aos ombros, além de peças ajustadas ao corpo, como vestidos de bandagem, cintura marcada, babados, pregas e tecidos transados.

Os tons que serão vistos no verão são o branco, nude, off-white, os beges, o cinza cimento, preto e tons terrosos que formam as bases. Os tons mornos são formados pelos azuis, que vão desde azul bic ao azul celeste, tons verdes que variam entre o verde nórdico e a verde água, fúcsia, coral, salmón, rosas pálidos, lavanda e o vermelho. Na modelagem destaque para os ombros, que aparecem nus, irregulares, com volumes contrastantes, babados, moulages, pregas, nervuras. Outros elementos marcantes são as cinturas, que ainda continuam marcadas e as calças com referências oitentistas.

A malharia com shape mais despojado e com tecidos mais finos que denotam aparência de desgastados também merece destaque. Os tecidos com brilho ainda continuam, como cetim e tafetá, mas os grandes astros da estação são os tecidos fluídos e gaseificados, como o light silk e spun crepe.

As transparências começam a retornar com leve timidez, mas sempre usando de bom senso e abusando das sobreposições. Bordados e pedrarias foram substituídos por design elaborado. Peças com muita moulage, leque em pregas e detalhes artesanais.

Atualmente, a marca conta com 14 franquias exclusivas em vários estados brasileiros, tais como Santa Catarina, Paraná, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Rio Grande do Sul, Tocantins e Bahia. Antenada com a moda internacional, apresenta cerca de 400 itens, entre roupas, calçados e acessórios.

Através do site da marca ( vocês podem obter mais informações sobre tendências da moda, lançamentos e coleções. Além dessas fotos aqui no blog, tiradas do site, vocês podem ver centenas de outros itens de muito bom gosto.  Os clientes/internautas ainda mantém um canal de interação com a marca através do Clube Nakisska, um blog onde clientes, estilistas e interessados em acompanhar a moda nacional e internacional se comunicam, trocam ideias e comentam sobre o que acontece no mundo fashion. Já colocamos o link na nossa lista de sites e blogs de moda, para que vocês sempre possam acompanhar as novidades da Nakiska.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Naturiste Recent Files - Page 78

Recent Posts
  • Naturist Girls Simple Images
  • Nude in Nature by the Lake
  • Let’s Fuck in Nature, Honey!
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  • Lovely Young Natural Peach
  • Blonde Slut Pissing Samples
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  • Real Teenage Belinda Posing
  • Cute Teen Stocking Girl Pics
  • Young Blonde Smooth Pussy
  • Cute Young Nudist Girls Pcs
  • Naked Couple Beach Photos
  • Teenage Babe Posing Home


My First Lover

Beneath the clean and fresh sheets

of another man’s bed

locked within the embrace of a cougar

my virginity did I lose

far above the clouds of sexual ecstasy

till then quite unknown

my forbidden paramour escorted me

our moans and sighs

mingling together with our randy cries

echoed about the walls

of the bedroom she shares to this day

with her unwary husband

again and again and then some more

my hips rose and fell

the entire length of my throbbing cock

sliding ever upwards

into the velvety sheath of the warmth

of her hot and wet pussy

with each and every unrelenting thrust

until all too very soon

with a shutter and a victorious scream

my virile seed burst forth

in a blinding rush of sexual pleasure

raced up into the womb

of the woman who was my first lover


Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Ivory Knight

It had been one of those lazy Saturday afternoons when after all was done there was nothing left to do except sit in the shade and relax with either a nice cold beer. If one was so inclined or if one happened to be a kid a can of coke or if one were a true southerner then a tall glass of ice tea would be in order.

Yet Josh could only take so much relaxation before he began to become anxious and was hunting up something to do. Already he had finished cleaning the camper that had been his home for the last three years, washed his clothes at the Laundromat and had typed into his laptop computer, his pride and joy, the several rough drafts that he had been working on throughout the week.

Not wanting to just sit around and fossilize into an old bored man long before his time Josh decided to take in an early movie and maybe go ahead and do his weekly shopping before returning home and going to bed early. He also thought that perhaps this evening might be a good time to stop off at one of the local bars to drink a few virgin daiquiris while checking out the well endowed women and hopefully get lucky enough to spend the night making love to one of the pretty whores that always seemed to hover around the bars like moths around a single burning light bulb in the middle of the night.

However this evening fate had something much better planned for Josh than he could have ever hoped for.

During the movie one of those sudden summer showers blew in over Mableton Georgia and drenched the area thoroughly with a nice cool shower of fresh rain. Being unexpected and not having rained for awhile Josh hadn’t thought to bring an umbrella with him and so had to make a run for it to his car getting thoroughly soaked while he fumbled around with his keys until at last the lock turned and he was able to hop into the drivers seat close the door and very carefully back out of the parking lot and head for the entrance to the Street.

Since he was soaked and getting chilled Josh decided to head for home where he could take a warm shower and change into some dry clothes and then he would go to bed early hoping to get an early start Sunday morning on his shopping and maybe taking in another movie for there were several out that he had wanted to see for quite some time.

It was already getting dark and still the rain was coining down though not as hard as it had at first but enough to make driving that much more dangerous so Josh was paying extra attention to the speed he was traveling at and the other cars around him as well. He had hydroplaned once a couple of years earlier just barely missing another car and he didn’t want to repeat that mistake a second time perhaps becoming involved in an accident this time.

Killing some time Josh decided that he would go out of his way and pay a quick visit at the Quick and Easy gas station on Mableton parkway to pick up the latest copy of Playboy magazine. Turning left onto Old Gordon Road he slowly drove past Riverside elementary and just as he rounded the last curve before the traffic light he happened to see a car pulled over on the side of the road with it’s emergency flasher lights on and being a good citizen he decided to see if he could render any assistance.

Pulling over to the side of the road he turned off the engine but left his emergency flashers flashing as he got out and walked over to the drivers side of the other car. Leaning down he tapped on the window and came face to face with the lovely African-American woman driver of the stricken car.

“Is there anything that I can do to help?” Josh asked.

“I don’t know the engine just died on me and I can’t get it to start back up.” she replied.

As she was answering him Josh was looking at the lovely heart shaped face of this young ebony woman and her sparkling dark eyes. Her raven hair was long and curly as it flowed over her shoulders. And he could already begin to feel the stirring deep inside his manhood called forth by her smooth sexy voice especially since it had been a while since he had been with a woman.

“I’m not a mechanic but I do have a cell phone and could call for a tow truck to come out and take your car to a service station and then take you home after that if you would like.” Josh offered as he held up his car phone so that she could see it.”

“That would be great and I would really appreciate that.” she answered visibly relieved that this young man was kind enough to stop and help her out in her predicament. She had been sitting there for a while wondering just what to do and hadn’t felt comfortable leaving her car to walk up to one of the nearby houses and ask for help especially since this was still an

almost all white neighborhood and she didn’t know just who would be willing to help her.

She sat watching this handsome young man as he called for help on his car phone and smiled gratefully at him as they momentarily made eye contact as he gave directions to the operator who would shortly send out a tow truck to pick up her car. He had short dark hair, dark eyes and though not quite six feet tall his body appeared to be in great shape as well as well toned and muscled.

After Josh was through and had deactivated his cell phonic he leaned back down towards the window and said, “I know that you must be cold in there with no heat so if you’d like you are welcome to come and sit in my car while we wait for the tow truck.”

Returning his smile she replied, “Thank-you that is mighty sweet of you to offer and I would like that very much.”

Gathering up her purse and rolling up her window she opened her door and stepped out locking her car behind her. It was still raining lightly and she was wearing high heels so Josh took her gently by her arm and helped to steady her as he guided her towards the passenger side of his car. He couldn’t believe just how beautiful she was. She was about five feet five inches tall. Petite and slender her feminine curves very well rounded and firm. Indeed the lovely floral print dress that she was wearing fit her perfectly and emphasized her womanly curves in all the right places.

Quite unexpectedly Josh began to feel himself drawn and attracted to the beauty and warmth of this ebony woman. Ever since he had reached puberty and began to experience the normal sexual attraction to the female gender that all young males experience in his wildest imagination he had never thought that he would ever be attracted to an African-American woman especially since lie knew that his parents and friends would never approve.

Now as he walked this lovely goddess to his car and was able to get a real good look at her natural beauty he found himself wondering just what it would be like making love to her; another woman of another race and one that was still hated by many white people today.

Opening the passenger side door like a gentleman Josh helped her into his car and after shutting the door he walked around to the drivers side, climbed inside and started the engine and turned on the heat so that they could get warm and turned the radio down low so that they could still talk to each other while listening to the music.

Turning to her and extending his hand Josh said, “By the way my name is Josh.”

Taking his hand and shaking it lightly she replied, “My name is Tia and I’m very glad to meet you.”

“The same here.” Josh replied.

The ice now broken Josh and Tia began a conversation in which they told each other what they did for a living. Josh told Tia what it was like running a computerized machine for Dietech industries and how he liked to relax at home by reading novels, writing short stories and prose poems. And how he hoped to one day soon be a published author. While Tia explained to Josh about her job as a nurse at South Cobb hospital and how much she enjoyed it.

After that they both engaged in small talk about the weather and current events, also learning that neither of them was dating anyone special as they passed the time until at last they saw the tow truck pass by and pull over in front of Tia’s car.

Helping Tia out of his car and escorting her over to the driver of the tow truck Josh listened quietly as Tia and the driver discussed the arrangements of taking her car to the service station and having it looked at. Since it was Saturday evening there wouldn’t be a mechanic on duty until Monday morning which was disappointing to Tia but she stated that she would manage and would just rent a car until hers could be repaired.

Then Josh helped Tia into the cab of the tow truck and reassured her that he would follow them to the station and would be glad to take her home from there amid not to worry for that it was no bother because lie didn’t have anything planned anyway.

Following the tow truck the short distance to the Amoco gas station on Floyd road Josh couldn’t get the loveliness of Tia’s chocolate colored skin and the firm ripeness of the top of her cleavage that her summer dress put on display out of his mind and began thinking about asking her out on a date and perhaps, if things went well, to ask her to sleep with him. Though he didn’t think that she would want to go out with him much less to mate with him but it did make a rather interesting fantasy to dream about.

It didn’t take long for Tia to get things settled about tier car and shortly she and Josh were on their way to her home continuing their conversation from the point of it’s earlier interruption by the arrival of the tow truck becoming more friendly, animated amid comfortable as time went on.

In fact Tia who was very grateful for having been rescued by such a nice person began to realize herself that she wanted to get to know Josh better and found herself becoming attracted to him as a friend and to his sense of humor.

When they were about ten minutes away from Tia’s apartment she turned to Josh and asked, “Would you like to come in amid have a cup of coffee? And if you like I’ll also dry your clothes in the dryer so that you won’t have to go home cold and wet.”

“I’d love too.” Josh replied then continued, “I would really appreciate being able to get out of these wet clothes and a hot cup of coffee sounds really inviting, as well.”

“OK then it’s settled then and as soon we get to my apartment I’ll get you a robe to change into so that I can start drying your clothes immediately.”

A few minutes later just as Josh piloted his car into the apartment complex’s parking lot it began to rain again pouring down in blinding sheets making it difficult to find his way through the parking lot but at last Tia was able to direct him to a parking space not too far from her apartment.

Josh and Tia then sat there in the car for a few minutes hoping that the rain would slack up but when it didn’t they both decided to make a run for it becoming thoroughly soaked as Tia struggled to fit her key into the lock. Then as they entered the door into Tia’s kitchen Josh couldn’t help but notice and admire how Tia’s soaking wet dress fit the contours of her well rounded body amid especially how the nipples of her breasts were now erect and could clearly be seen through the thin summer fabric. The sight of which was to him very erotic and arousing causing him to wish that he could indeed get lucky that night but that he wouldn’t be rude and force himself on Tia. Instead treating her with the respect that he was taught that all women deserved wether or not they actually did.

While Josh stayed on the mat in front. of the door so as not to drip water all over the kitchen floor. Tia banded him a towel with which to dry himself while she herself ran through the living room amid into her bedroom where she quickly stripped off her wet clothes and dried off.

When she returned to the kitchen with a robe in her hands for Josh she was wearing a light blue silk kimono that reached to just above her knees leaving Josh almost speechless at her natural beauty.

In the light he could see Tia so much more clearly and was visibly impressed with the rich and creamy color of her light chocolate brown skin. Her womanly curves were even more pronounced that he had thought at first and her full lips were sensual seeming to invite a lovers kiss.

Not wanting to be rude Josh didn’t stare at her ample bosom, the curves of her hips or her well toned, firm and silky smooth thighs. Instead he followed Tia as she led him through her living room and towards the bathroom where he pulled off his wet clothes, dried off and put on the robe that she had loaned him. Then gathering up his soaking wet clothes he returned to the kitchen where she put his things into the wash machine along with hers and having set the cycle turned it on.

Then as Josh sat down at the table Tia poured both of them a cup of hot steaming coffee and offered Josh a sweet roll then sat down and raised her cup of coffee to her lips and took a sip. Josh then stirred in three teaspoonfuls of sugar amid took a sip of his coffee.

“Ahhhhhh  that really hits the spot.” Josh sighed.

Tia smiled and she and Josh sat there across from each other talking about anything that came to mind until the wash machine stopped amid Tia rose up out of her chair to put their clothes into the dryer. Sitting back down she said to Josh, “Josh you were really a life saver for helping me out and I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come along when you did neither do I know how I could ever pay you back for all that you have done for me this evening.”

“That’s OK. Josh replied then continued, “It really was no problem and I didn’t mind doing it.”

“Certainly there must me something that I can do for you.” Tia stated.

“Well there is one thing that you could do for me.” Josh said then stopped as he began to blush.

Tia reached out and took his hand in hers amid said soothingly, “It’s okay Josh you can ask me anything.”

“Well it’s just that I’ve never kissed an African-American woman before and I’m just wondering what it would be like.”

“Oh.” Tia said in surprise as she let go of his hand and rising up out of her chair walked over to the kitchen sink where she stood thinking with her back to Josh.

Thinking that perhaps he had offended the lovely lady Brad hurriedly said, “You can say no and I won’t mention it again nor do I want to take advantage of you.”

Turning back around to face him Tia then said to Josh, “It’s not that its just that I’ve never kissed a white man myself amid I’ve always wondered just what it would be I like and now here I have one who is very sweet and kind in my kitchen asking me for a kiss amid it just caught me off guard for a moment.”

Breathing a sigh of relief Josh watched as Tia bit her lip for a moment waiting for what she would say next when she suddenly made up her mind to throw all caution to the winds and give in to the heady rush of the moment. Sighing softly she said, “Well I can’t see any harm in just one kiss can you?” Then holding out her arms toward Josh she beckoned for him to conic take tier into his arms.

Getting up and walking over to her Josh reached out and put his arms around Tia and drew her close to him where for a moment she lay her head on his shoulder and Josh could feel her trembling all over with excitement. Placing his right hand tenderly beneath her chin he lifted Tia’s face upward and bent his head downward until his lips lightly brushed her sweet soft brown lips.

Kissing gently and slowly Josh could feel his passions beginning to burn as his manhood began to stiffen where Tia’s thigh was pressing against it. Shifting sideways to move it away from her leg so as not to alarm her but to his delight she pulled him back so that his manhood was once again pressing against her thigh even as she parted her lips and drew his tongue deep inside her mouth.

Josh could feel Tia becoming aroused as they began to kiss each other desperately their tongues playing with each other sometimes in her mouth and sometimes in his. Then giving into the moment himself as Tia in the heat of passion pressed her breasts into his chest Josh allowed his hands to slid down her back and fondle her hips and buttocks then slid his right hand back up and approached from the back Tia’s left breast cupping the it in his hand and gently massaging it with his fingertips even as he lightly squeezed it.

Moaning with delight abandoning herself to her rising passions Tia pushed Josh over to his chair where he sat down as she climbed onto his lap where she spread her thighs placing her legs on either side of him where he could have access not only to her luscious breasts but to the depths of her wetness as well.

Taking her cue as Tia opened his robe amid began to lightly massage his chest with her cool fingertips. Josh began to kiss her softly on her neck slowly making his way downward pushing aside her kimono to expose the soft round flesh of her breasts as he began to lightly kiss her brown skin though the deep valley her cleavage made.

Tia arched her back and tossed her head backwards bringing her nipples upward to reach Josh’s lips even as her long curly hair flowed down behind her back. Then gasping in delight as Josh held her back with his gentle hands bracing her to keep Tia from falling even as he made his way along the underside of her right breast with his lips until he reached her nipple already stiff and erect awaiting the gentle caress of his hot moist tongue.

Moaning in ecstasy Tia continued to tremble as Josh at first licked her teat with his tongue then began to suckle her nipple like a newborn baby intend on drawing out his mothers milk for nourishment. Drawing his robe aside she reached down and grasped his manhood within her cool hands and began to seductively massage the tip of it’s head with her thumb until she could feel it begin to throb with desire at her ministrations growing more firm and erect with each one of her gentle strokes.

Already the cleft of her wetness was moist and slippery with her own natural lubrication which began to flow even more freely as she began to rub Josh’s throbbing manhood against her clitoris shivering as spasms of intense sexual pleasure surged in rapidly increasing waves throughout her body.

At last Tia couldn’t stand it any longer and suddenly pushed Josh’s manhood downward into the cleft of her wetness gasping in delight as she felt her wet orifice spread apart as the entrance to her fertile womb completely engulfed him. His sudden gasp of delight was music to her ears as she held onto Josh tightly wrapping her arms about his neck and bracing her feet on the bottom rungs of the chair so that she could gain the leverage she needed to rise and fall upon her ivory lovers throbbing manhood deep inside her.

Again and again she ascended and descended driving the shaft of Josh’s manhood ever deeper inside her body grunting and moaning even as sweat ran in rivulets down her body in response to her exertions and increasingly wild gyrations.

“Oh… .god. . . .yes… .yes.. . .yesssssss  “ Tia began to uncontrollably gasp as she felt the sexual tension within her tightly coiled body continue to build up into an orgasmic climax so intense in it’s physical sensations that she doubted that she would ever come again so good with another lover.

Not in the least bit tired as she continued to soar with Josh upon the clouds of sensual pleasure as he held her tightly his hands upon her buttocks even as he felt himself about to explode he continued to fight to hold back to prolong this intense sexual moment with Tia.

At last though he could no longer hold back as he was consumed by the flames of a fiery climax as his manhood began to pulse and pump his warm seed into the depths of Tia’s wetness.

Tia herself suddenly stiffened amid cried out in erotic pleasure her eyes rolling into the back of her head as the warmth of Josh’s seed spreading throughout her wetness touched off her own fiery orgasm as she helplessly climaxed again and again. Until at last it was all over and she lay exhausted within Josh’s comforting arms.

After a few minutes when Josh no longer felt the physical weakness that men usually feel at the moment their sexual tension is released during sexual intercourse. He stood up and picked up Tia in his arms and carried her into her bedroom and laid her down upon her bed. Where he then proceeded to fully explore her still trembling body and entering her once more to her delight as she wrapped her thighs and arms about him holding him close as he made love to her throughout the night. Until at last they fell asleep exhausted within each others arms sleeping soundly and peacefully until late in the morning.

Falling desperately in love with each other Josh amid Tia decided to move in with each other a few weeks later and were married one year after that shortly after the birth of the daughter whom they chose to name Stormy in order to always remember the night they first met and made love.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Decisive Action...Part II

It wasn’t until the one eyed poet had escorted Orianna on board his starship that the lovely, well endowed and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love allowed herself to breathe freely. Ever mindful that what she was experiencing could only be a cruel dream created by her tormentors from the Gamma Quadrant to get her hopes up once again. Only to then be forced to watch her dreams of freedom dashed against the ragged rocks of reality in a concerted and persistent effort to break Orianna’s spirited nature.

Once onboard the Dark Lord’s Phallus Orianna suddenly felt the darkness of the burden of sexual servitude in which she’d been cloaked for seemingly an eternity. Dispel as it lifted from off her soul leaving the lovely daughter of the goddess of love to bask in the sunshine of freedom for the very first time since the beginning of her captivity.

As the Klingon Bird of Prey scout ship silently withdrew from the feminine orifice of the Deep Space stations docking port. Spun around effortlessly and flew away once again undetected by either the stations sensors or those manning the Opts Center. Only to disappear moments later into the worm hole on the final leg of the only remaining Dark Lords journey. To free the lovely and curvaceous daughters of the goddess of love from the bondage of sexual servitude that had already lasted nearly a full solar.

“See to Orianna’s every need’, the Dark Lord commanded one of the female ensigns who’d been taken on board the Phallus for this very mission. Then added, “Make absolutely certain that she is comfortable in the cabin prepared for her and her sisters.”

“Aye aye Capt’n.” the red haired ensign replied enthusiastically then aimed a warm and friendly smile at the curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love as she said, “This way ma’am.” even as she began to steer Orianna effortlessly  away from the one eyed poet down the corridor towards the nearby turbolift.

For a moment DaPoet watched their backs until the red haired ensign along with the curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love disappeared into the turbolift. Then turned and headed towards the bridge where the one eyed poet would remain until the end of his duty shift. Then return to his personal cabin for a well deserved rest before the projected arrival of The Dark Lord’s Phallus at their final destination in the Gamma Quadrant. Where he hoped that he wouldn’t be forced to make an example out of those who’d sought to take full advantage of those who at the moment appeared weaker then themselves.

Twelve hours later the one eyed poet had just stepped out of his personal sonic shower and was in the act of wrapping a towel about his waist. When DaPoet heard the chime that announced the presence of a visitor standing in the corridor just outside the door of his cabin.

“Come in.” the one eyed poet called out absentmindedly just as he’d finished tying the towel about the lower half of his well developed physique.

“HUH!” the only remaining Dark Lord heard the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love gasp in surprise as she walked into his cabin. Orianna’ right hand flying upwards to cover the embarrassment of the delightful smile dancing upon her lips as her eyes drank in the well developed curves of DaPoet’s chest.

“I’m sorry that I disturbed you.” Orianna stated quietly then added, “I’ll come back later.” as she started to back out into the empty corridor.

“Oh no that’s quite all right.” Dapoet stated in a reassuring tone of voice then added, “You may stay if you wish.”

“Okay.’ the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love replied then stated a moment later after she’d regained a measure of her dignity and composure. “I only came by to thank you on behalf of my sisters and myself in the only way that I know how.” after which Orianna untied the golden sash about her waist and shrugged off the folds of her dress from the delicate curves of her shoulders. Which fell onto the floor about her ankles in a puddle of white fabric so that Orianna stood before the one eyed poet in all the glory of her womanly nakedness.

“Oh no that won’t be necessary since I didn’t bring you on board to become my concubine but to set you free from sexual bondage in which I found you.”

“Oh but it is necessary my dear poet if I am to cleanse myself of the very last vestiges of my sexual bondage.” Orianna stated matter of factly as she carefully raised first one foot and then the other one. As she intentionally stepped out of the puddle of her dress and into the arms of the only remaining Dark Lord. Where she pressed the swollen tips of her nipples against the skin of the one eyed poets chest even as she stood up onto the tips of her toes and pressed the curves of her mouth to the Dark Lord’s eager lips. In a deep and passionate kiss that seemed to last for an eternity even as it fanned into flames the sexual passions smoldering within the depths of Orianna’s very soul.

“Oh…my…god…” the lovely daughter of the goddess of love breathed into DaPoet’s ear as the fingers of his right hand gently curled around one of the ripe orbs of her breasts. Orianna’s breath then catching within her throat as the Dark Lord pushed her down on top of his bed where they fell in a tangle of arms and legs.

So that within just a few moments the walls of the one eyed poet’s cabin echoed with the sounds of not just their ragged breathing which now came in loud gasps. But the sighs, moans and cries of the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the of the goddess of love. As first the Dark Lords tongue and then the fullness of his rock hard and throbbing cock fully aroused Orianna. By making the daughter of the goddess of love wetter than she’d ever been before or since and intentionally drove Orianna over the cliff of the most intense orgasmic climax she had ever experienced.

Until at last Orianna lay helplessly within the arms of the only remaining Dark Lord. Savoring to the fullest extent possible the diminishing echos of her intense orgasm as they ever so slowly faded away into memory. As the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love fought to catch her breath until at last she fell asleep safe and secure within the comforting arms of the one eyed poet.

For the rest of the journey Orianna spent her time divided between standing at the one eyed poets side and lying within DaPoet’s arms beneath the sheets of his bed. Where they wiled away the tedious hours of the voyage through the Gamma Quadrant riding each other into a sexual frenzy as they made love again and again. Until at last the Dark Lords Phallus entered into a stationary orbit of the planet deep inside the Gamma Quadrant. Whose inhabitants had held Orianna and her sisters within the degradation of sexual bondage without the slightest hope of release for nearly a full solar year.

Fortunately the reputation of the Dark Lord and the ability of his starships ability to lay waste as well as completely destroy the planet floating below. Had preceded the coming of the Dark Lord’s Phallus so that the planetary leaders were more then willing to surrender their unlawfully held captives as well as pay a modest reparation. In order to deflect the well deserved wrath of the only remaining Dark Lord and his crew of battle hardened souls.

So that within moments of materializing over the rouge planet the Klingon Bird of Prey broke orbit and headed back towards the Delta Quadrant. Where the crew of the Dark Lord’s Phallus looked forward to completing their mission by delivering each and everyone of the lovely, well endowed and curvaceous daughters of the goddess of love to their home worlds. Except for Orianna who of her own free will decided to remain aboard the scout ship as the constant companion of the only remaining Dark Lord. Sharing both the adventures as well as the curves of her body with the one eyed poet who commands the starship aptly named, “The Dark Lord’s Phallus.”
