Monday, December 28, 2009

Hello and Happy Christmas...

Sorry I haven’t posted for a few days but I was out enjoying seeing my family and friends over the Christmas Period.  I hope you understand.

For today’s post I’ve chosen German photograher Ingo Klemm.  I really like his natural style – often shot outdoors and often using water in his compesition.

Klemm’s subjects are not models but regular girls often posing nude for the first time and I think this shows in his images. You really get the sense that these are not girls accustomed to ‘going through the motions’ of a modeling set but are actually enjoying the freedom of posing for this talented photographer.  His use of lighting is sublime and by the looks of it he likes to shoot in the early morning capturing that wonderful clarity of dawn light.

It’s worth registering on his site as you can see his images in a larger format.  Enjoy!

Ingo Klemm, born in 1966, started photography at the age of 15. Since 1990 his main subjects were beauty, portrait and the nude. He works as a media-designer at an eLearning-company.


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