Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanks to Tiger Britney song "Oops I did it again" makes a comeback.

It’s now been reported that fellow golfers are displeased with Tiger and that he is “phony and a fake”.  I’m not sure I agree he’s a phony!! This guy is for real, just like Muhammad Ali, “Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee”, Tiger is staying true to his name, so to speak. These two golfers, Charles Warren and Ben Crane are like a Single A baseball player telling ARod, he doesn’t know how to hit a baseball. I think the saying goes generally when you point the finger it ends up being pointed back at you. Don’t think for a moment there aren’t golfers on tour in need of their 15 minutes of fame. Well Ben Crane and Charles Warren, there you go!! You probably made the 3rd page of Perez Hilton’s blog and the 9th page TMZ.

Don’t assume for a moment that most golfers live the lifestyle of saints because they wear slacks and a collared shirt.  A pink collar and a caddy only solidifies the fact that when a round is over the round of beers begin!! Take John Daly’s pants as an example. His pants sort of represent his way of life. John was a crazy man, but now a 115lbs less he looks to achieve where Tiger left off! Don’t count out Daly just yet. With John’s new book “John Daly, my Life In and Out of the Rough” he is certain to sell a few copies. Unfortunately with Tiger’s new book, “Tiger, Loving the Rough”, he may have timed the weight loss and book a tad too late!!

A recent photo taken with Tiger on Santa’s lap explains all:

In other news, Tiger’s wife told him recently that in order to save their marriage he would need to quit the game of golf. I think that’s mighty hard for a man that loves to play a round of 18  holes!!!


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